Inflatable Toys

Inflatable toys were introduced in Fatra in the seventies of the last century and their simple shape harmonises perfectly with their unique colour design up to the present. Toys were manufactured till 2000 when their production was ceased due to Asian competitors. Toys were reborn again in 2010, and the toy series has been still expanding. These toys are still looked for by parents and grandparents mainly as a memory of their own childhood.
Our toys are now classified in three groups – retro (toys created by Libuše Niklová), new (from current designers) and water toys.

Inflatable Toys

Product advantages

  • Reputable design
  • They develop motor skills
  • Safe Toy Certificate
  • Light
  • Soft
  • Washable

Video guide

Look at how creating new toys.



If you are interested in the product
mentioned, you may contact directly
the sales department of Fatra.

Martin Pospěch
Tel.: +420 577 502 274
Mobil: +420 724 405 959


  • Catalogue Inflatable toys
    • Catalogue Inflatable toys
    • Infolist Inflatable Toys