Designer Jan Čapek

Designer Jan Čapek

He finished the Secondary School SUPŠ Turnov, grinding and engraving of precious stones, graduated at the University of J. E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem, the Faculty of Art and Design, and UMPRUM Praha, Metal and Jewellery, and subsequently Design.
He worked in the European Design Centre of Electrolux for two years (second in the global contest for design students for his washer for men). For Karlovarské minerální vody, he originally designed a case for a glass bottle Pininfarina, subsequently then the whole portfolio of PET bottles. Breweries from the group Pilsner Urquell use his beer glasses for Radegast and Velkopopovický Kozel brands, and also several PET bottles designed by him.
Jan Čapek